So, ive had a couple requests for my songs to be on Geometry Dash, which im currently working to do, heres the current issues,
- I have External API settings always marked on, so i have permission for my songs on GD
- I have been scouted, so my songs are confirmed as a green light here on NG
- From what ive read, you have to email RobTop to get whitelisted for GD? Which i have done but knowing Rob it might take a while
- My music might have to hit a certain threshold before being whitelisted, e.g 100 Listens or something
Thanks for being patient, i promise ill try to get my music on GD by next sunday, im looking for anything that could help so please bear with me.
thanks, Fraser
RetroCore a link to the GD support server, where you can request to be scouted. thats where i requested, and i got scouted in like 2 days.
(ng pls dont ban me for advertisng!!!11)
Thanks I didn’t realise there was a server! Imma join now lol